Cashel, Ferns, Ossory Mothers' Union

Cashel, Ferns, Ossory Mothers' Union
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Welcome to the Cashel, Ferns, Ossory Mothers' Union website. The website will carry news, articles and photographs of Mothers' Union events throughout the United Diocese and also All-Ireland news.

The website will be regularly updated and if any Branch wishes to have an event, article or photograph published on the website please forward it to our Diocesan Secretary, Cecily Jones. Email:

Please ensure that you have permission from any person who is going to be named in a photograph before sending it in to appear on the website.

All photographs and articles will remain copyright of the website and may not be copied. (See the Data Protection statement at the bottom of the Home Page)

Also please join our facebook page for all the latest news and daily reflections.

Cashel, Ferns, Ossory

For further information please contact:

Diocesan Secretary: Cecily Jones

News Updates

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If you would like to advertise an event on the Spinner please contact The Diocesan Secretary, Cecily Jones.
(Contact details are available on the home page)

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Latest News

Dates for your Diary

Lesley Bayley
The Diocesan President of
Cashel, Ferns, Ossory Mothers' Union

Theme for 2024 ~ Transformation - Now!

A Letter from the Diocesan President ~ Lesley Bayley

Dear fellow members,
The Worldwide and Provincial elections took place over the summer months and the results were announced on the 3rd and 5th of September respectively.   

In the Triennial 2025-2027 the Worldwide President will be Kathleen Snow from Cananda.  Zonal Trustee for All Ireland is June Butler.
All Ireland President is Kay Clarke. We congratulate them all and wish them every blessing on their new roles within the organisation.


Kathleen Snow              Kay Clarke
Our Autumn Diocesan Council takes place this month in the Dolmen Hotel, Carlow, on Saturday the 26th at 10.30am. The morning will
begin with the usual refreshments served from 10am, and the meeting will conclude mid-afternoon with a Service of Holy Communion. Names for attendance (and lunch) and apologies to Cecily please by Friday the 18th.
On Friday the 18th all members will have the opportunity to meet Ish Lennox, Faith and Church Relations Manager at Mary Sumner House, when she visits Ireland to meet with the Diocesan Chaplains and All Ireland Council. Ish will be spending time in our neighbouring diocese with a visit to St. Brigid’s Cathedral in Kildare, where anyone attending will have the opportunity of a tour of the cathedral and to take part in a short midday prayer service, where Ish will give a reflection. Lunch will be in the Silken Thomas Restaurant at a cost of €30pp, please let myself or Sylvia Wheatley ( know by Friday the 11th if you wish to have lunch.
On Thursday the 7th of November the Diocesan Holy Communion Service will take place in St. Mary’s, Carlow at 11.30am. Traditionally these monthly services were held in Christ Church, Dublin, with very low attendances, so please do come along for this opportunity of fellowship.
From the 25th of November until the 10th of December the annual 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence takes place, with the Mothers’ Union Global Day of Action been held on Saturday the 30th of November. More details of diocesan events will be in next month’s magazine and members newsletter.
Mind yourselves,
Lesley xx
As Mothers’ Union continues to encourage branches and churches to RISE UP against domestic abuse, this month we feature October: Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Domestic abuse and domestic violence are everyone’s business. It is a deeply rooted problem that impacts on thousands of women, men, and children in Ireland.
Since May 2024, 6 women have died violently across Ireland. In Northern Ireland the PSNI respond to a call in relation to domestic abuse every 16 minutes. Irish Gardaí received 54,000 domestic abuse complaints in 2023, an increase of 8% compared to 2022. These shocking statistics compel us to ask what we can do, as a people of faith, to make a difference.  
Why should I get involved?
We understand that the root of all abuse and violence is what happens in the home. Our homes are not isolated islands, they are part of society and affected by culture. Within these, offenders are creating trauma and violence, and these problems become deeply rooted in society.
Our Christian faith teaches us to love one another and to respect each other as equals in thought, word, and deed. This is our mandate to be aware and to be involved.

They are you
In Ireland, thousands of people are living with the effects of domestic abuse and domestic violence. They are our relatives. They may be your local shopkeeper, your neighbour, or the stranger you wave to on the street each day. They might be you.

Together, we can break this cycle of abuse and violence. Domestic abuse and domestic violence are endemic, yet totally preventable.

What can we do about it?
·       Listen and learn: Take time to learn more about violence and abuse and the impact it has on women, men, and children at and

·       Share: Share information and links to support on social media, see our Mothers’ Union CFO page for daily posts.
·       Investigate: Find out how you can become a Safe Place/Safe Church
·       Communicate: Talk to your clergy and members of your congregations.

In the meantime, let us thoughtfully consider the words of 1 John 3:18 – "Let us love not just in words but in action and in truth.”
Click on the image below to download the
October 2024 Newsletter

Click on the image above to bring you to
the All-Ireland website to read all about
The Triennial All-Ireland Mothers'
Union Conference 2023

Click on the image above to view a video of the work
of Mothers' Union in Ireland created for
The Annual Gathering in Belfast 2022

Click on the image above to download a poster re
grants available from CFO Mothers' Union
Mothers' Union Video

Click on the Mothers' Union emblem below to see the video highlighting the work of Mothers' Union which was filmed at the Triennial Conference in Termonfeckin in March 2017

The video features members of Mothers' Union from around Ireland telling all about the organisation and the many different projects supported by Mothers' Union both here at home and in Third World Countries.

One of the clips features our very own Joan Blake who can be seen knitting a matinee jacket and talking about the Mothers' Union Knitting Project

Below also is a link to the main Mothers' Union
Facebook Page

The All-Ireland Facebook Pages

Click on the image above to to bring you
to a page on the All Ireland Website
with a Report on the Getaway Weekend 2023

Click on the image below to bring you to the
All-Ireland You Tube Channel

The latest edition of Spin is now available
to download.
Click on the image below

Q Code to Donate to Mothers' Union
Changing the Story Initiative

Cards & Gifts

Available from
*  MU Enterprise *

Naomi Besanson currently has
cards available to purchase plus cards to suit many other occasions.
Please contact

Dates for your Diary


  • 26th October ~ Autumn Council ~ Dolmen Hotel Carlow @ 10.30 a.m.

  • 7th November @ 11.30 a.m. ~ Holy Communion Service in St. Mary's Church Carlow, ~ R93 YW77 ~ St. Mary's, Church, Carlow, Co. Carlow

The Mothers' Union Harvest Service Portlaoise took place in Saint Peter's Church, Grattan Street, Portlaoise, Co. Laois on Sunday 5th November.

Click on the image above to view a video of the service

Click on the image above to download the
Booking Form
All Ireland Holy Communion Services

Mothers’ Union Holy Communion Service
October 2024

Thursday 3rd October
Holy Communion Service in
Derry & Raphoe Diocese
in St. Columb's Cathedral @11.00 a.m.
(17 London Street, Londonderry. BT48 6RQ)
June's Walk in Kilkenny
June Butler's first walk in the Diocese took place in Kilkenny on Thursday 8th June. We are very grateful to Florrie Carter and her team in Kilkenny Mothers' Union for all of the time and effort they put in to ensure that everything ran smoothly. Those participating enjoyed a lovely walk over the new bridge, by the river and on to the Castle Grounds before returning to the cathedral. Pat Nolan accompanied us on the walk giving an interesting account of all of the historical areas we passed. Sam Harper met up with us en route and provided same lovely ice-cream for refreshments. Some of the walkers had other commitments and were unable to continue on the walk but eight completed it. We were delighted that Bishop Michael Burrows was able to join us for the walk too.
Our thanks to the ladies from Kilkenny MU for all of the hospitality they provided both before and after the walk.

June thanked everyone for their support and welcome to Kilkenny. Florrie Carter, Branch leader, presented June with a small token to mark her visit to Kilkenny.
June's Second Walk ~ Tintern Abbey
June Butler's second walk in CFO took place on Monday 12th July at Tintern Abbey near Saltmills in Co. Wexford. The weather forecast for the morning was miserable but thankfully it turned out to be fine and a lovely day for walking. It was wonderful to meet up with so many members before eight set off to complete one of the longer walks through the woods.

June was delighted to meet up with Bea Thorpe in the walled gardens and have a chat with her. Three ladies set off with June to complete a further two kilometers so as to achieve her 7km target on each walk. When we arrived back in the car park we met up with Anne Barrett, a former All-Ireland President, and our own Phyllis Grothier, who was the previous All-Ireland President, was also present.

Our thanks to Olive Thorpe for her work in arranging the walk and to everyone who attended Tintern Abbey on the day.
Walk No. 3 in Cashel, Ferns, Ossory

June's third walk in Cashel, Ferns, Ossory, the final walk of her series for Mums in May 2021, took place on Tuesday 26th October. The venue for the walk was the Railway Walk in Tinahely. We were delighted that many from the Diocese were able to attend as well as Sylvia Wheatley (Diocesan President of Meath & Kildare) with some of her family and also the All-Ireland Treasurer, Revd. Ken Rue. June began by thanking everyone for coming to join her on the walk and Revd. Rue led us in prayer. Lesley Bayley, Diocesan President of CFO, also welcomed June to Tinahely for her final walk before a group headed off on the walk led by local MU member, Hazel Stedman.

Four walkers completed just over 7kms with June through a lovely tranquil area of woodland and admiring the lovely autumnal colours of the trees. They met up with those who had completed a shorter walk on their return to the car park. A group then adjourned to the D'Lish Cafe in Tinahely for lunch.
A large number of members from Cashel, Ferns and Ossory  and friends enjoyed a lovely afternoon in Rathwood on Friday 3rd June.  They enjoyed a delicious "Afternoon Tea" and it was a wonderful occasion  for everyone to meet up for a chat too. The afternoon was organised by  our Diocesan President, Lesley Bayley, not only to celebrate the  Platinum Jublilee of our Patron, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2, but also  to raise much needed funds for our Diocesan Projects. Thank you Lesley for all of the thought and effort you put in to all of the activities for Mothers' Union in the Diocese.

The  Diocese has also been busy providing much needed support to a Ukranian  family who are being rehoused in Enniscorthy. Members have also been  knitting and sewing fiddle sleeves and blankets at the request of a  nursing home in Kilkenny. These are used with patients who are suffering  from dementia and a request came to Mothers' Union to see if we could  provide a supply for patients in the nursing home.
Getting to know our Founder In Ireland
Annabella Hayes
1847 – 1921
Mothers’ Union was founded in Raheny, Dublin in 1887 by Mrs Annabella Hayes.  As we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of her death, let’s learn a little more about our founder.  

Canon and Mrs Hayes liked to travel and visited Norway, Switzerland and Canada. After their daughter Marie's untimely death in Delhi in 1908 aged 33, they travelled to Delhi to visit the hospital where Marie had worked for the previous three years and to meet people she had worked with. Later Annabella edited and published letters which Marie had written to home. Marie's final letter, sadly, arrived some weeks after the fateful telegram giving news of her death had been received in Raheny. The Hayes memorial cross in Raheny village was erected some years later.
Annabella was born in Dublin in 1847, the daughter of Thomas Edkins Willson of Upper Mount Street. In December 1866 she married the Reverend Francis Carlile Hayes who was then curate in Sandford Parish Church. She was nineteen years old and he was twenty-eight.
In 1867 he was appointed curate of St. Andrew's Church, Suffolk Street, and their first child, Ernest William Carlile Hayes, was born in February 1868. In 1873, Sir Arthur Edward Guinness (later Lord Ardilaun) appointed him Rector of Raheny Parish and he and Annabella moved to the Glebe House where they were to remain for the next forty-five years.

Their second child, Marie Elizabeth (always known as May) was born in May1874, and in April 1878 her sister Ethel Clara Ridley was born. A boy, Maurice, was born in 1886 but sadly died in infancy. Ernest went to school at St.Columba's and an English governess, Connie Gibbs of Willesden, was appointed to look after the education of the two girls.

In 1887 Annabella Hayes set up the first branch of the Mothers' Union in Raheny, inspired by what Mary Sumner had done in England eleven years before. Little did either of them know that in the twenty-first century world-wide membership of M.U would have grown to over four million.

Francis and Annabella were still in the Raheny Rectory when they celebrated their Golden Wedding in 1916. Canon Hayes retired in 1918 and he and Annabella moved to 12 Northbrook Road which was apparently owned by Francis since his days at St. Andrew's. Annabella survived a bad bout of 'flu shortly after they moved, but was taken ill again about a year later. She was diagnosed with liver cancer and died at home on the 7th February 1921.
Annabella was buried in St. Fintan's Cemetery in Sutton and her headstone (and that of Francis) stands at the highest point of the Cemetery. It is, however, not made of stone but of wood - teak, and despite its having stood there for 100 years there is absolutely no sign of decay in the timber. Mothers’ Union in Ireland had planned to do some restorative work to her gravesite during 2021 but has been put on hold because of Covid 19 restrictions.

Annabella was 74 when she died on 7th  February 1921 and Francis was 94 when he died on 12th December 1931.

Click on the photograph of Annabella to bring you to a dedicated page
on the All-Ireland Website covering the centenary celebrations.

MULOA is a new initiative from Mothers' Union
which aims to look at Mothers' Union going forward.
You will be hearing a lot about it at Branch Level in the coming months.
Click on the MULOA symbol to see a short video about this initiative.

We pray that our God will make us fit for what he’s called us to be,
that he’ll fill our good ideas and acts of faith with his own energy
so that it all amounts to something.

As our lives honour the name of Jesus,
may he honour us, by his grace; our God giving himself freely,
the Master, Jesus Christ, giving himself freely. Amen

Based on 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 (The Message)
Charity Number:

Republic of Ireland:
Mothers’ Union in Ireland is recognised as a Charity by the Revenue Commissioners, 5161.

Registered Charity Number - 20007331 (Charities Regulatory Authority).

Mothers' Union Theme 2022

Transformation - Now!

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Cashel, Ferns, Ossory Mothers' Union
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