MU Publications
FOCUS 2024
FOCUS is an All-Ireland publication which is normally produced yearly in the spring. It comes free and is funded by a grant from Mums in May. The latest edition is now available to download by clicking on the image of the cover.
FOCUS features All-Ireland news and each Diocese submits an article promoting what is happening in Mothers' Union in their area. Future editions also hope to feature an article from each of the All-Ireland Unit Coordinators detailing news of what is happening in each Unit.
The current editor of FOCUS is our Diocesan Secretary & Coordinator for Fund Raising and Communication, Margaret Jacob.

The Spin
The Spin is a leaflet published twice yearly and is put together by the two Social Policy Representatives, Cathy Doig for the North and Lesley Bayley for the South.
the Spin contains up to date on social issues throughout Ireland.
Cathy & Lesley may be contacted on:
Mothers’ Union’s new membership magazine Connected came out at the beginning of April, just after Easter 2021. The driving force behind the new publication was a need to keep members in Britain and Ireland ‘connected’ by ensuring they were informed and up-to-date on the wider movement.
Part of the production process involved gathering thoughts and opinions from a number of members which we did using focus groups over zoom. The meetings were fruitful and gave us a good idea of what was required between the pages. This included a mix of news about our work worldwide and in the UK and Ireland, faith-based articles, news about policy and advocacy, info on upcoming events, appeals and fundraising.

Click on the image to download the latest edition