MU Resources & Projects
Away From It All
Away From It All (AFIA) is a Mothers’ Union holiday scheme, primarily funded by Mothers’ Union members, to help people who are experiencing stress in their family life. Mothers’ Union normally helps with part of the cost of a holiday or with travel expenses, but sometimes can pay for the whole trip. The funds are limited but we will always endeavour to help as much as we can.
Those hoping to have a holiday don’t have to be a member of a church ororganisation and can apply for themselves or recommend someone else for a holiday/short break. AFIA can also support such activities as a school tour or a Confirmation Retreat.
The service is confidential and discreet with referrals coming from Clergy, other Professionals or MU members. Further information is available from the Diocesan President, Lesley Bayley, or the Diocesan Secretary, Margaret Jacob.
AFIA is available in our United Diocese with application forms available from:

Mothers' Union Knitting Projects
Knitting Projects are supported by many Branches and some of the following items are produced by members:
- Matinee Jackets and hats for premature babies.
- Hats and scarves for the homeless
- Trauma Teddies ~ Please note that only wool and stuffing that passes all of the current safety regulations should be used for both the Trauma Teddies and Ollie the Octopus. Please also give these toys a good squeeze to ensure that no pins/needles have been left inside.
- Click HERE to get further guidelines on knitted toys.
- Ollie the Octopus
Click on the pictures on your left to access some of the patterns
Mothers' Union Literacy Programme
& Feed the Minds
Cashel, Ferns & Ossory Diocese has a long history of looking beyond itself to partner with others in need of support. In 2016 and 2017 this partnership will once again be forged, to provide literacy and livelihoods training through the Mothers’ Union in Ethiopia and through Feed the Minds in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Literacy is a foundation stone of poverty alleviation.
Mothers’ Union literacy groups across East and Central Africa have seen 160,000 people benefit in Burundi, Malawi, Sudan and South Sudan since 2000. The Programme in Ethiopia is seeing similar success and needs support to expand to both local villages and refugee camps.
Feed the Minds literacy classes are designed for implementation in conflict zones and are now being tailored to the specific needs of the Democratic Republic of Congo where sexual violence and shame are preventing many women from taking part in their public classes. Members will then join soap making cooperatives.
This year Bishop Michael Burrows embarked on his Route 66 to raise funds for both the Mothers' Union Literacy Funds and Feed the Minds.

Bishop Michael Burrows is pictured with
Phyllis Grothier (All-Ireland President) &
Revd. Margaret Sykes (Diocesan President)
at the launch of Route 66
MU Enterprise Stall
Our MU Enterprise stall is looked after by Naomi Besanson and Naomi is very willing to travel to Mothers' Union events throughout the Diocese with the stall.
Naomi sells an array of cards to suit every occasion ~ birthdays, anniversaries, get well , sympathy, christmas cards to name but a few ~ calendars, diaries and some MU gifts.
Maomi's contact details are on the home page of the website.

Bye Buy Childhood
Mothers' Union in Ireland launched their Bye Buy Childhood Postcard campaign at their All-Ireland Leadership Conference on 5th March 2011.
The Mothers' Union Bye Buy Campaign was initiated by the concern expressed by parents' of their experience of the pressures of commercialisation on family life and that marketing with sexualised content is too easily accessible.
Moving Forward with the Campaign
The Mothers' Union Bye Buy Campaign was initiated by the concern expressed by parents' of their experience of the pressures of commercialisation on family life and that marketing with sexualised content is too easily accessible.
Moving Forward with the Campaign
The Marketing Department have prepared 20,000 postcards to lobby OfCom (UK) and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland if they feel a programme is unsuitable for viewing by children and teenagers and that it should not be shown before the 9.00pm watershed.
We would encourage you to look at the programmes and advertisements through the eyes of a child. Then ask yourself the question - Would the content make you behave in the way portrayed? If the answer is yes, send a postcard available from the All- Ireland Office Telephone 00353 1 8735075 or from or follow these links to OfCom and Broadcasting Authority of Ireland
We would encourage you to look at the programmes and advertisements through the eyes of a child. Then ask yourself the question - Would the content make you behave in the way portrayed? If the answer is yes, send a postcard available from the All- Ireland Office Telephone 00353 1 8735075 or from or follow these links to OfCom and Broadcasting Authority of Ireland

The postcards are available to and can be used by everyone and anyone.
The Mothers' Union do not want the flame of this campaign to go out.
Mothers’ Union Bye Buy Childhood Website

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.
CFO Mothers’ Union held a service in St. Laserian’s Cathedral, Old Leighlin, on Saturday 23rd November. The service was led by our Diocesan President, Lesley Bayley. The guest speaker was Detective Sergeant Elaine Dalton who spoke about all the new legislation around Domestic Violence and how the Gardaí deal with alleged cases of domestic abuse. Claire from The Amber Women’s Refuge was also present, and she was delighted to receive toiletries and other items which members brought along. Our thanks to everyone who participated in the service and to Dean Tom Gordon for hosting the service in the Cathedral and playing the organ.
A service was held in Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford, on Sunday 8th December. The Cathedral also hosted “The Souls of Our Shoes” exhibition. The exhibition is very poignant and thought provoking and attracted the attention of many of those who visited the Cathedral. Eleanor McEvoy, the international singer and composer, on hearing about the service said that she would like to participate, and Dean Maria Jansson was delighted to facilitate her. Eleanor sang three songs including one she wrote herself called “Half Out of Habit”. The service also included a reading of the poem “Still I Rise” written by Maya Angelou.
The collection was donated to Oasis House Women’s Refuge, Waterford.
Many thanks to the DCO, Margaret Hawkins, for the lovely photographs from Waterford